People > MA. Graduates > Joungeun Park
박정은 (Joungeun Park) Doctoral Student
Ph.D in Sport Management, Department of Physical Education, Seoul National University, Korea (2021. 03. ~ )
M.S in Recreation, Sports and Tourism, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States (2018. 01. ~ 2019. 05.)
B.S in Sports Management, University of Texas at Austin, United States (2015. 01. ~ 2017. 12.)
B.A in Sports Industry, Chung-Ang University, Korea (2007. 03. ~ 2011. 02.)
ROTC 49기 학군 장교 / 소대장 및 작전장교 (ROTC 49th Military Officer / Platoon leader and Operation officer) (2011. 03. ~ 2013. 06.)
Foam Finger Nation 미디어 및 이벤트 프로모터 인턴쉽 (Foam Finger Nation Media and Event management promoter Internship) (2017. 08. ~ 2017. 12.)
前 애플 메타데이터 및 한국어 스페셜리스트 (Apple Metadata and Korean specialist) 2019.11. ~ 2020. 07.